Useful Macros for the Touch Bar

Ali Karpuzoglu
2 min readDec 18, 2017


Some macros I use to speed up my everyday life as a computer science student

Since a lot of people like to hate the Touch Bar, I figured I would write down some useful tips to maybe convince you of the usefulness.
I thought of some macros that helped me speed up everyday tasks.
For the Macros I used Better Touch Tool (BTT)

Microphone Mute button

This is pretty useful for me when people randomly come in, I can mute my microphone in an instant.
I got this code from somewhere but added a notification, so I can know if I did turn it off or on.
The way to add this is:
1. Add a Touch Bar Button.
2. Give it a name/ icon as you like it
3. Choose ‘Run applescript (enter directly as text)’
4. Paste the following code in it:

Open my most used folder

As a student, I often have to open the same folder to find all my school stuff. Instead of opening finder every time and navigating to my folder, I created a shortcut to launch my study folder.
The way to do add this is:
1. Add a Touch Bar Button.
2. Give it a name/icon as you like it
3. Choose ‘Open Active/Selected Folder With Specific App’
4. Select your folder

Open the current folder I am using in iTerm

There are other ways to solve this and maybe other problems I listed here. You can for example select the folder in a parent folder and click ‘Services’ and open it in iTerm. However, I didn’t know that when I created this Button. And I find it more useful than using my mouse.

To add this:
1. Again, add a Touch Bar Button and name it as you like
2. Select ‘Open Active/Selected Folder With Specific App’
3. Select iTerm or Terminal, or whatever you like.

These three shortcuts made the Touch Bar a very useful tool for me. Some people might miss the F keys, but my main keyboard is a Pok3r so I am used not to have them.
I did map capslock to escape, too. That was very useful.

If you have any ideas for macros and need help developing it, you can text me here and we can maybe find a way to make it work.



Ali Karpuzoglu

Working as a Mobile Machine Learning Engineer. Part Time Digital Nomad.